
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Face those Holiday Events with spa confidence

The holiday season is here and we have a little gift for all of you. A simple but very soothing and rejuvenating facial treatment to help us all look our best.

Time is most precious with so much going on this time of year. A trip to the spa is most certainly out of the question. Our gift to you can give you that spa treatment right in the comfort of your own home.

The recipe consists of only two items that you probably have in your kitchen right now. You will need ½ of a banana, a ½ cup of plain yogurt, and a blender. Place the ½ banana and ½ cup of yogurt in the blender and mix until you have a smooth and creamy mix. Once you have the mix ready, spread the mix over your facial area. Allow the creamy mix to sit for 20 minutes. When your 20 minutes are up, gently wipe the mix off with a warm, damp wash cloth.

The bananas and yogurt are chocked full of anti-oxidants and lactic acid that help rejuvenate your skin helping you face all of those holiday events.

Happy Holidays!

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